IMO Seminar on Development of a Regulatory Framework for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)
1) Following the completion of regulatory scoping exercises (RSE) for the use of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), the Legal Committee (LEG) and the Facilitation Committee, work has commenced in the three Committees to address the regulation of MASS in the instruments under their purview. MSC 105 agreed to develop a non-mandatory goal-based MASS Code, which would provide the basis for the development of a future mandatory instrument. LEG 109 and FAL 46 agreed to work on measures to address MASS in the instruments under their purview.
2) This Seminar seeks to share insights on regulatory barriers and uncertainties encountered by national Administrations and industry for MASS projects currently undertaken or planned for the future and how such obstacles can be overcome by establishing an international legal framework to regulate the operation of MASS.
3) IMO Member States, international organizations and academic institutions are invited to present their views, in particular on approaches taken to address MASS on a national level and how work could be progressed at IMO. This could include presentations on:
- current MASS projects and lessons learned from their operation (e.g. challenges, achievements, organization of MASS operations with respect to the role and responsibility of the remote-control operator/master, communication links and procedures and limitations of MASS), including suggestions on functional or operational requirements;
- common legal barriers, uncertainties and opportunities for operating MASS, including operation within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS);
- key principles and a common understanding of the purpose and objectives of the future IMO MASS Code and the novel approach to be taken to address MASS in an IMO goal-based regulatory framework; and
- any other relevant aspects concerning the safe and legally sound operation of MASS, including liabilities and compensation for damage.
4) The MASS Seminar also seeks to explore potential ways forward for the regulation of MASS by IMO but is not intended to be a platform for promoting individual products, technologies or services.
Seminar arrangements
5) The IMO MASS Seminar will be held online from Monday, 5 September 2022 to Tuesday, 6 September 2022, from 11.00 a.m. to 2 p.m. (UTC+1). Member States and international organizations wishing to present on any issue listed under paragraph 3 should indicate so on the registration form (see paragraph 9 below). The IMO Secretariat will select the presentations to be given during the Seminar from the proposals submitted. While it may not be possible for all interested parties to present, there will be ample opportunity to participate in the panel discussions.
6) Panel discussions, addressing all relevant aspects of the development of a regulatory framework for MASS, will allow for an exchange of views on the additional opportunities and international efforts needed to support IMO in its effort to ensure the safe and legally sound operation of MASS.
7) The outcome of the Seminar will be reported to the first meeting of the Joint MSC/LEG/FAL Working Group on MASS, which has been scheduled to take place from 7 to 9 September 2022. The outcome will also be reported to the MSC, the LEG and FAL Committees.
8) Member States and international organizations are invited to participate in the Seminar, disseminate this invitation to relevant stakeholders and other interested parties and encourage them to participate.
9) The IMO MASS Seminar is open to all interested parties and, in particular, intended for maritime administrations, industry professionals, academia and the wider maritime community. The event will be conducted in English without interpretation. Registrations are to be made using the following link: Registration form.
10) More details on the IMO MASS Seminar can be found on IMOʹs dedicated webpage at Participants wishing to give a presentation need to register by 1 August 2022 with the details of their presentation (15-minute slots). All other participants need to register not later than 1 September 2022.